April 24, 2023

New Insights Module Launches Inside of ActiveClass to Further Empower Instructors

Insights delivers easy-to-consume data for instructors in order to better understand each of their student’s interactions and to simplify how they can individualize instruction and student outreach efforts.

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Tempe, AZ; ActiveClass, the EdTech leader that is putting instructor-student relationships at the forefront of online learning, has now added key visibility into student behaviors through its new Insights module.

Since inception, ActiveClass has offered instructors and students simple social-media-like ways of communicating and interacting inside of their existing LMS courses. Now the company is aiming to further help instructors understand how their students are engaging with each other, as well as the course content itself, and all discussion-led assignments.

CEO and Cofounder of ActiveClass, Nate Hurst, stated that “The vision for ActiveClass has always been two fold: first, to give instructors and students easy and familiar ways to interact and engage with one another, but second, and perhaps more importantly, to empower instructors with data so they know who might need additional encouragement or support.”

Hurst continued, “When you think about a physical classroom environment, instructors have real-time visibility into who and how students are participating. With online environments instructors have lost a lot of that innate visibility. So, in a way, we’re just making sure that instructors have access to data that they’ve always been accustomed to having.”

Having raised $1.9MM in 2022, ActiveClass continues to invest in its core offerings. The insights module will come standard and will not be an additional charge for customers.

ActiveClass is now composed of three distinct modules: The ActiveFeed, a social-media-style, threaded conversation platform for instructors and students to share and interact; ActiveAssignment, which gives instructors improved grading and better control over discussion style assignments; and now, Insights, to help the instructors make more informed decisions around student engagement.

Out of the box, the insights module will give instructors at-a-glance metrics into total activity time per student, the number of interactions, posts and comments, and the frequency of those interactions, thereby helping instructors quickly understand which students are actively participating and which ones may need a little extra support and encouragement.

Steve Morris, Head of Growth and Customer Success at ActiveClass added that ”with the ongoing shift to distance learning, instructors and students alike need more convenient and familiar ways to have formal and informal interactions…learning is about so much more than just graded assignments and tests. Interacting with other humans, especially a subject matter expert, and forming relationships is what helps create empathy and better understanding of any topic…that’s what we’re helping enable at ActiveClass.”


About ActiveClass

ActiveClass offers instructors and students a familiar, welcoming place to engage in organic conversations, share content, participate in lesson-based discussions, and give instructors actionable insights into each student’s participation levels.

Featuring a modern, social-media-inspired UI, ActiveClass encourages conversation, supports various learning models, facilitates diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, and helps deliver critical student engagement insights right back to the instructor.

To learn more about ActiveClass or schedule a demo, visit www.activeclass.com.

Contact: Nate Hurst, nate@activeclass.com